New Treatment for Cellulite
Cellulite is a very common condition that affects the thighs, buttocks and other areas of the body causing the surface of the skin to look dimpled and lumpy.
A large variety of treatments are offered from special diets, massages, anti-inflammatory creams, tablets and injections. The general recurring theme in these treatments are the lack robust scientific evidence and the disappointing minimal improvements.
In the last decades there has been a better understanding of the aetiology of cellulite. In addition, some technological advancements produced devices that seems to be effective in the reduction of this condition. For example, Cellfina™ is a surgical device that divides the fibrous bands causing the dimple in the skin (subcision principle). New energy delivery devices using lasers or radiofrequency can target the skin or deep tissues to enhance the thickness and quality of skin.
A new promising treatment that combines two new radiofrequency devices has been and pioneered in the UK by Dr Omar Tillo at the Centre for Surgery. This treatment includes dividing the fibrous bands that cause the dimples in the skin, tightening the lobules of subcutaneous fat using high energy radio frequency called radio-frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL), and promoting dermal collagen generation and thickening via targeted delivery of radiofrequency energy.
The first of these 2 devices is called CelluTite ™ which includes a long needle with a sharp tip. This is inserted under the skin and used to divide the fibrous bands to remove the most visible dimples. At the same time, the needle tip delivers high power radio frequency RFAL designed to tighten and reduce the protruding fat lobules.
The second device, Morpheus 8, is a new microneedling device which delivers targeted radifrequency energy into or just under the dermis to promote therapeutic fibrosis and collagen generation that increases the thickness of the dermis.
These two new devices is some of the latest launched by InMode ™ and approved by the FDA. The new combined treatment can be delivered under local or general anaesthetic depending on the size of treatment area.
In March 2019, Dr Tillo treated the first ever case in the UK using this combination. at 6 months follow-up, there has been a remarkable reduction in the cellulite. This treatment continues to be offered at the Centre For Surgery in Central London.
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