Lipomodelling (also known as fat transfer or grafting) is a relatively new technique by which your own fat tissue is removed from donor areas of your body (such as the abdomen, flanks or thighs) and injected into other areas (such as the breasts or buttocks) to enhance the shape or the volume. I use this technique in a wide range of surgical operations such as breast enlargement, breast reconstruction, correction of body asymmetries, contour irregularities, scar revision, and many others.

What is Lipomodelling?
Lipomodelling is an exceptional, natural means of restoring volume to parts of your body using your own body fat. It involves:
- Removing fat from parts of your body (abdomen, flanks, thighs) with liposuction
- Collecting the fat in a sterile, enclosed system before washing, filtering, and preparing it
- Injecting the fat to add volume to the desired areas
- Potentially repeating the procedure to achieve the final result

Is Lipomodelling Right for Me?
Lipomodelling is an excellent way to use your body’s own fat to restore or enhance volume.
However, you must have enough fat in the donor sites (abdomen, flanks, and thighs) to achieve the desired effect.
If you're considering fat transfer to the breasts it is strongly advised to have a mammogram (Xrays of the breasts) before the procedure specially if you have a family history of breast cancer, or you are older than 40.
If you are concerned about some aesthetic and physical shape of your body and considering lipomodelling surgery book a consultation to have an expert and honest opinion.

What Will Happen During the Consultation?
I will take a detailed history to explore your concerns and requirements.
I will examine you you for asymmetries and abnormalities and take some measurements. I will examine the donor sites you want me to take the fat from, and estimate the amount of available fat.
I will then discuss the suitability of surgery with you, as well as the required number of stages, the expected outcome, and any alternative options.
If you are a good candidate for surgery, I will explain the procedure in detail, the recovery process, and any possible risks or complications.

What Happens on the Day of Surgery?
Most of my procedures are carried out as day case surgeries. This means you’re able to go home the same day. I will see you before the surgery to add some markings to your skin. The anaesthetist will see you and begin the anaesthetic.
During surgery, you’ll be given a dose of antibiotic to reduce the risk of infection. I will infiltrate the breasts and donor sites with plenty of local anaesthetic to numb the skin and deep tissue.
When you wake up, you may feel some tightness. However, you should not feel significant pain thanks to the local anaesthetics. You will be provided with strong painkillers to take home, which should control all pain and discomfort.

What is the Recovery Process?
You will experience swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first few days. The pain will be controlled by taking the painkillers on a regular basis. It typically takes one week to return to day-to-day activities. It may take up to four weeks to return to full physical activities. You should wear a well-fitted compression garment and avoid direct pressure to the grafted areas for three weeks. You should strictly avoid smoking and smoking environments for 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery.

What Follow-up Will I Receive?
I will see you one week after surgery to check the condition of the wounds, 6-8 weeks later to assess the condition of the scars., and after 6 months to check the shape of the breasts.
Are There Any Alternatives?
That would depend on your aims and expectations, and on the condition treated which are better measured during the consultation.
For example, breast enlargement with silicone implants might be the alternative to fat grafting when you do not have enough fat in the donor sites to achieve your desired outcome.


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