Breast Augmentation / Enlargment
Many women choose to get breast enlargement surgery in the UK. In part, this is because their confidence and self-perception can be significantly impacted by how they feel about their breast shape and size. Consequently, they might regularly experience feelings of dissatisfaction with self-image, significant psychological and social problems stemming from lack of self-esteem; Difficulty finding well-suited clothing, poor self-image; feelings of unattractiveness or even a general loss of femininity. Breast augmentation is a procedure that helps lots of women experiencing these issues, by using breast implants as a means to begin the process of rebuilding their confidence. If any of this sounds familiar to you, it may be a worthwhile option you’re already considering.

What Are the breast implants Options?
There are 3 main options to carry out breast augmentation:- Implants
- Lipofilling (fat transfer)
- Composite augmentation using both implants and fat
- The desired shape of the breasts
- The desired breast size and amount of enlargement
- The availability of fat for transfer
- The acceptance of future surgeries
Breast enlargement with implants is generally quicker, less invasive and cheaper than lipofilling in the UK. It allows the enlargement of several breast cup sizes, and within a short space of time it also enables a prediction of what the final breast shape and size will be. However, in the long term, breast implants tend to fail, and will subsequently need a revision surgery.
Lipofilling uses fat extracted from your own body, and is considered a long term alternative that doesn’t entail the aforementioned problems associated with breast implants. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to remove fat from various unwanted areas such as the abdomen, flanks or thighs. However, it is important to note that the final shape and volume of the breast is less predictable with lipofilling. Additionally, this procedure is more expensiveand allows a maximum enlargement of one cup size.

What is composite breast augmentation?
The traditional way of augmenting the breasts in patients who have thin breast tissue, has been to insert the silicon implants under the muscle. This allows better coverage of the breast implants, and prevents any visibility of rippling under the skin from implants. However,submuscular insertion has its own problems such as animation, prolonged recovery and pain.
Composite breast augmentation I provide in London, is a new technique - typically for patients of a slim build - that allows the insertion of the breast implants over the muscle, whilst still achieving a natural shape. It involves the use of both silicon implants and lipofilling to increase the thickness of the natural breast. This technique is a longer and more expensive option. However, it successfully prevents the problems related to submuscular insertion.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for Me?
Breast augmentation using implants or lipofilling or a combination of both lipofilling and implants, are generally safe options for women who wish to enhance their breasts in a realistic and natural way. At my practice, I provide consultations to many womenseeking breast augmentation in London. I tend to advise them against having extremly large implants to achieve very large sizes, as this can cause severe complications. The best option for you will depend on the amount of breast tissue you have, the size you hope to achieve, as well as your expectations in the short and long term. All of this will be discussed at length during the consultation.
If there is a history of breast cancer in your family, or you are older than 40, it is strongly advised that you have a mammogram (X-ray of the breast) before getting any breast surgery.

What Happens at the Breast Augmentation Consultation in London?
During the consultation I will explore any concerns you may have, and ask you some focused questions to determine your specific needs and expectations.
You will receive a breast examination from myself to detect possible asymmetry, lumps, or abnormalities. I will also take various measurements.
I will discuss the options available regarding fat transfer, breast implants’ shapes and sizes, incision and pockets. Following which, you’ll be given breast sizers to help you estimate the volume of the implants.
If you are a suitable candidate for surgery, I will explain the procedure and recovery process in detail, as well as any possible risks and complications.

What happens on the day of breast implants surgery?
When you’re booked to have breast augmentation in London, the nurse and the anaesthetistwill go through some questions with you to ensure you’re ready for surgery. Afterwards, I’ll confirm the planned surgery with you and draw some preparatory markings on your skin.
A dose of antibiotic will be given to you to reduce the risk of infection. You’ll also receive a local anaesthetic in your chest during the operation, to numb your deep tissue.
After waking up from surgery, you may feel tightness around the chest. Though, the local anaesthetic will prevent any significant pain. At this point, the wounds will then be covered with dressings.
The procedures are performed as ‘day-case surgeries’, meaning you will be able to go homeon the same day.
Do I get any follow-up after my breast augmentation surgery?
The nurse checks your wound 10-14 days after you go home, and I see you in the 6-8 weeksfollowing the surgery to check the healing progress.
The final shape and outcome of the surgery is assessed 6-8 months thereafter

What is the Breast Enlargement Recovery Process?
There will be swelling, bruising, and discomfort for the first few days. You need to take the prescribed painkillers regullarly which make the pain and discomfort tolerable.
Most patients reports recovering from implants surgery within one or two weeks before returning to light daily activities. It may take up to four weeks before you can resume more physical activities.
You should wear a supportive surgical bra and avoid upper-body physical exercise or sleeping on your chest for first 6 weeks after surgery.
Are There Any Alternatives?
That would depend on your aims and expectations, which are measured and discussed during the consultation.
For example, mastopexy (breast uplift) may be the best option when your main concern is the shape, rather than the volume of your breasts.



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