Brazilian Bum Lift (BBL surgery)
Brazilian bum lift, or BBL surgery as it's otherwise known, is very popular in the UK, women and men alike find the size, shape and frame of their hips and buttocks an important part of their appearance. They want to conform to the so-called ‘aesthetic standards’ which often vary with time, culture and fashion.
Rather than the usual BBL surgery, I use a technique called Buttock Enhancement and Superficial Transfer of Fat (BEST-F). This enhances the shape of the client’s buttock by removing the fat tissue from the surrounding areas then injecting it superficially over the gluteal muscle.

How is BEST-F different from traditional Brazilian bum lift surgery?
Traditional BBL surgery involves injecting large amounts of fat into and under the gluteal muscle. This Brazilian bum lift procedure has an alarmingly high rate of death, one person in every 2000. This is caused by a fat embolism, the leaking of fat in to the blood stream. It is because of this that many international plastic surgery societies banned surgeons from injecting fat into or under the muscle.
Even though many are now educated on the risks of BBL surgery in the UK, patients still seek it abroad as the regulations are less strict. This means that patients are then put under an increased risk of infection and unregulated practices and surgeries. Even though I use up-to-date techniques to reduce the risks, it is important to consider that no technique will guarantee or eliminate the risk of fat embolism, therefore these should be considered carefully.

What is the outcome of BEST-F as opposed to the Brazilian Bum Lift?
In comparison to the traditional bbl surgery, BEST-F is a method of body contouring that removes the fat from unwanted areas and thus enhances the shape and the volume of the buttocks to a natural shape or size. With BEST-F, you should have a realistic expectation as the result will not be exaggerated like some bbl surgeries. In any case, you should consider the risks and complications this procedure may have.
The result of BEST-F procedure will vary from person to person, due to a variety of factors. The final outcome of the waist and abdomen relies on the core muscle shape and strength, the amount of visceral fat and the quality of the skin. As well as this, the amount of fat transferred depends on the amount of fat available and the shape of the buttocks.

The Bum Lift Consultation
During your consultation, I will first listen to your concerns and ask you a variety of questions that will determine your needs and expectations.
I will then examine you and look for the volume of the fat pads around the buttocks, abdomen, flanks and thighs, and it’s distribution. I will then determine how suitable you are for the procedure as well as the outcome that is expected. I will explain the details of operation and the difference between the traditional Brazilian But Lift surgery and BEST-F.

The Day of the Bum Lift Surgery
On the day of the procedure, the nurse and the anaesthetist will first go through some questions to ensure you are ready. I will then see you to confirm the surgery and to draw markings on your skin.
During the surgery you will be given a dose of antibiotics in order to reduce the risk of any infection. You will also be given a local anaesthetic to numb your skin and the deep tissue.
After the surgery, you should not feel any significant pain because of the anaesthetic, but you may feel some tightness. The wounds will also be covered in dressings.
This procedure is performed as a day case, and therefore you will be able to go home on the same day.

The Bum Lift Recovery Process
During the recovery process, you will experience some swelling, bruising and discomfort for the first couple of days. You will be prescribed painkillers and this will control the pain.
It will take around a week to get back to light day-to-day activities and may take up to four weeks to return to full physical activities. You will need to avoid direct pressure on the grafted areas for three weeks and refrain from smoking 4 weeks before and after surgery. You may also need to wear a well-fitted compression garment day and night for 6 weeks.

The Routine Follow Up
After the procedure the nurse will check your wounds within 10-14 days and I will see you 6-8 weeks after to check the healing process and the scars.
6-8 months post-surgery, I will check the final shape and the outcome of the operation.
Are There Any other Alternatives to the BEST-F surgery?
Alternatives depend primarily on your aims and expectations, as well as your body condition, these will be looked at during the consultation.
An example of an alternative is buttock enlargements using silicone implants if you do not have enough fat in the donor sites to achieve your desired outcome.


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