Discover Quality Cosmetic Surgery in London, Westminster

I graduated with a degree in medicine in 1997, then completed a 4-years specialisation programme in General Surgery in 2002. Later, I completed a second specialisation in Plastic Surgery. In 2005, I became a member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh after passing the MRCS exam. And later a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Since 2005, I have trained and worked exclusively in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery. I have worked in some of the busiest plastic surgical units in the United Kingdom. I was awarded the Master Degree in General Surgery, the MD degree (Medical Doctorate with Thesis) for my research work in angiogenesis, and later passed the European Board of Plastic Surgery exam and the United Kingdom Intercollegiate Board Exam in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
In 2021, I became the Clinical Director of the CREO Clinic, a specialist plastic surgery clinic offering expert, bespoke procedures for exceptional results. At CREO, we are guided by our core principles of expertise and transparency, which inform every aspect of our clinical practice. By combining the intrinsic artistry and medical specialism necessary for these delicate cosmetic procedures, I am proud to have helped my patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Many women consider the size and shape of their breasts to be an essential part of their overall appearance. When you feel that your breasts are too small, it’s possible to suffer from significant psychological and social problems that affect confidence and self-esteem.

Treatment of breast cancer can cause significant deformities such as scars, loss of volume and asymmetries. These deformities can cause significant psychological and social problems that affect confidence, self-esteem and relationships.

For most women, the size, shape, and framing of their breasts are integral aspects of their appearance. Large breasts may cause a range of physical, psychological, and social problems. From unwanted attention and comments that result in low self-esteem, to back and shoulder pain.

Lipomodelling (also known as fat transfer or grafting) is a relatively new technique by which your own fat tissue is removed from donor areas of your body (such as the abdomen, flanks or thighs) and injected into other areas (such as the breasts or buttocks) to enhance the shape or the volume.

The distribution of the body fat varies between individuals, ages and races. For most people this distribution and deposits of fat doesn't conform the so called "aesthetic standards" which in turn varies with time, culture and fashion.

For many women, the shape of their breasts is an important feature of their appearance. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, weight loss, and the natural aging process cause the breasts to sag.

Abdominoplasty is a procedure that tighten the abdomen area to give a flatter, smoother profile. It is popular amongst women bothered by the stretching of skin and loss of muscle tone following pregnancy.

For many women and men, the size, shape, and framing of their hips and buttocks is an important part of their appearance and strive to conform the so called "aesthetic standards" which in turn varies with time, culture and fashion.

Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of the breast tissue in men. This common condition, colloquially referred to as “man boobs”, is often-mocked but is a legitimate cause a range of psychological and social problems among the men it affects.

Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of the breast tissue in men. This common condition, colloquially referred to as “man boobs”, is often-mocked but is a legitimate cause a range of psychological and social problems among the men it affects.
Protecting our patients’ privacy and dignity is our main priority and core value. We are grateful to those patients who kindly consented for their before and after photos to be published here, as a guidance to other prospective patients considering similar surgeries.
We take all the possible measures to preserve the anonymosity of our patients, such as removing identifiable body marks or tattoos. Apart from that, there are no alterations, nor any modifications, made to these pictures.

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